Scholarships for Students in Dance

Top Scholarships for Dance School Students

Are you passionate about dance? Do you dream of pursuing a career in this expressive art form? Scholarships can provide invaluable support to students like you who are dedicated to their craft. In this article, we will explore the world of scholarships for students in dance, the different types available, and how you can increase your chances of securing financial aid. Let's dive in!


Dance is not just a hobby; for many, it's a way of life. It requires dedication, discipline, and years of training. However, pursuing a dance education can be financially challenging for many aspiring dancers. That's where scholarships come in. Scholarships are a form of financial assistance awarded to students based on various criteria, such as talent, academic achievements, or financial need.


Scholarships play a vital role in supporting students in their dance journey. They help alleviate the financial burden associated with tuition fees, training, costumes, and other dance-related expenses. Scholarships can open doors to opportunities that might have otherwise been out of reach, allowing students to focus on honing their skills and pursuing their passion.

Types of Scholarships for Students in Dance School

There are various types of scholarships available for students in dance. Let's explore some of the most common ones:

Scholarships for Undergraduate Students

Many universities and colleges offer scholarships specifically designed for undergraduate students pursuing a degree in dance. These scholarships may be merit-based, talent-based, or need-based.

Scholarships for Graduate Students

Graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in dance can also find scholarships tailored to their needs. These scholarships often require a higher level of expertise and may focus on specific areas of dance, such as choreography or performance.

Scholarships for International Students

If you are an international student with a passion for dance, don't fret! There are scholarships available specifically for students like you. These scholarships can help cover the costs of studying abroad or pursuing a dance education in a different country.

Scholarships for Specific Dance Styles

Certain scholarships target students specializing in specific dance styles, such as ballet, contemporary, hip-hop, or traditional cultural dances. These scholarships recognize the unique talents and contributions of dancers in each style.

How to Find Scholarships

Finding the right scholarships can seem overwhelming, but with proper research and organization, you can discover opportunities that match your profile. Here are some effective strategies to help you find scholarships for students in dance:

1. Research Dance Organizations and Institutions

Start by exploring dance organizations, foundations, and institutions that support dance education. Many of these entities offer scholarships or can provide information on scholarship opportunities.

2. Check with Dance Schools and Programs

Contact dance schools, conservatories, and universities with dance programs to inquire about scholarships they offer. They may have scholarships specifically tailored to their students.

3. Online Scholarship Databases

Utilize online scholarship databases that allow you to search for dance scholarships based on criteria like location, level of study, or dance style. Some popular scholarship databases include Fastweb,, and Dance/NYC.

Application Process

Once you've identified scholarships that interest you, it's time to navigate the application process. Here are some general steps to follow:

1. Read and Understand the Requirements

Thoroughly review the eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and required documents for each scholarship. Pay attention to any specific instructions or additional materials they may require.

2. Prepare Your Application Materials

Gather the necessary documents, which may include transcripts, recommendation letters, personal statements, and dance portfolios. Start early to ensure you have enough time to prepare a strong application.

3. Polish Your Resume and Personal Statement

Craft a compelling resume highlighting your dance experience, achievements, and community involvement. Write a captivating personal statement that showcases your passion for dance and your goals for the future.

4. Submit Your Application

Carefully follow the instructions for submitting your application. Double-check that you have included all the required documents and meet the deadline.

Tips for a Successful Scholarship Application

To enhance your chances of securing a scholarship, consider the following tips:

Showcase Your Talent and Dedication

Highlight your dance skills, achievements, and dedication to your craft in your application materials. Provide evidence of your passion and commitment to dance.

Tailor Your Application

Customize your application for each scholarship you apply to. Take the time to understand the scholarship's mission and values and align your application accordingly.

Seek Guidance and Feedback

Ask for feedback from mentors, dance teachers, or professionals in the field. They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your application.

Meet Deadlines

Submit your application well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute rush. Late submissions are typically not considered.

Benefits of Scholarships

Receiving a scholarship for your dance education can bring numerous benefits beyond financial assistance. Some of the advantages of scholarships include:

  • Reduced financial burden: Scholarships can alleviate the stress of tuition fees and other dance-related expenses, allowing you to focus on your education and training.
  • Recognition and validation: Being awarded a scholarship acknowledges your talent and potential as a dancer, boosting your confidence and motivation.
  • Networking opportunities: Scholarships often come with connections to mentors, fellow dancers, and industry professionals who can support and guide you throughout your dance journey.

Success Stories

Numerous successful dancers have benefited from scholarships throughout their careers. These scholarships have paved the way for their achievements and propelled them to greatness. Here are a few inspiring success stories:

Katherine Dunham

After winning a dance scholarship, Katherine Dunham achieved remarkable success. She became an influential figure in the world of dance, known for blending African and Caribbean influences into her choreography. Dunham formed her own dance company, which gained international recognition and performed in prestigious venues. She also pioneered anthropological research on dance, combining her passion for dance with academia. Dunham's scholarship allowed her to travel extensively, spreading her unique dance style and cultural understanding across the globe. Her accomplishments solidified her status as a trailblazer and cultural icon in the field of dance.

Pearl Primus

After winning a dance scholarship, Pearl Primus experienced remarkable success. She emerged as a prominent figure in the world of dance, renowned for her powerful and expressive performances rooted in African and Caribbean traditions. Primus formed her own dance company, which garnered widespread acclaim and toured extensively. She used her platform to address social and political issues, using dance as a means of activism and cultural preservation. Primus's scholarship enabled her to continue her studies and research in dance anthropology, solidifying her legacy as a groundbreaking dancer, choreographer, and advocate for cultural diversity.

Challenges and Solutions

While scholarships offer tremendous support, they can come with their own set of challenges. Some common challenges faced by students applying for scholarships in dance include:

When applying for scholarships in dance, students may face several common challenges. Here are a few examples:

  1. Intense Competition: Dance scholarships are often highly competitive, with numerous talented dancers vying for a limited number of opportunities. Students may find it challenging to stand out among a pool of skilled applicants.
  2. Limited Scholarships: Scholarships specifically tailored for dance may be limited in number compared to scholarships in other fields. This scarcity can make it more challenging for students to secure funding for their dance education.
  3. Technical Requirements: Dance scholarships often require applicants to showcase their skills through auditions or video submissions. Meeting the technical requirements and demonstrating proficiency in various dance styles can be demanding and require extensive preparation.
  4. Financial Constraints: Some students may face financial constraints that make it difficult to cover the costs associated with the application process, such as dance attire, professional photos, or audition fees. These financial limitations can present a barrier to accessing dance scholarship opportunities.
  5. Time Management: Students applying for dance scholarships often need to balance their academic responsibilities, dance training, and scholarship application requirements. Managing their time effectively to excel in all areas can be a significant challenge.
  6. Travel and Logistics: Scholarships may require students to travel for auditions or attend summer intensive programs. Coordinating travel arrangements, accommodation, and managing logistics can be logistically complex and stressful.
  7. Rejection and Emotional Resilience: Receiving rejection letters or not being selected for a dance scholarship can be emotionally challenging. Students need to develop resilience to cope with potential setbacks and maintain motivation in their pursuit of scholarship opportunities.
  8. Academic Performance: Some dance scholarships have academic requirements alongside dance proficiency criteria. Students must maintain good grades while dedicating significant time to their dance training, which can be demanding and require careful balancing.

To overcome these challenges, students can seek guidance from mentors, instructors, or advisors experienced in dance scholarship applications. They can also develop a strong support network, maintain a disciplined practice schedule, and take advantage of resources such as workshops, masterclasses, and scholarship search platforms to improve their chances of success.


Scholarships play a crucial role in supporting students in their pursuit of dance education. They provide financial aid, recognition, and opportunities for growth. By researching scholarship opportunities, preparing a strong application, and showcasing your passion and talent, you can increase your chances of securing the financial support you need to make your dance dreams a reality.


Can I apply for multiple dance scholarships?

Absolutely! Applying for multiple dance scholarships increases your chances of securing financial aid. Just make sure to carefully review the requirements and deadlines for each scholarship you apply to.

Are scholarships only available for full-time dance students?

No, scholarships may be available for both full-time and part-time dance students. It's essential to research the specific eligibility criteria of each scholarship to determine if it aligns with your enrollment status.

Can I apply for scholarships as an adult dancer returning to education?

Yes, scholarships are not limited to young students. There are scholarships available for adult dancers who are returning to education or seeking further training in dance.

Are scholarships only based on dance talent?

Scholarships can be based on various criteria, including dance talent, academic achievements, financial need, or a combination of factors. Explore different scholarships to find those that match your strengths and qualifications.

What are the ongoing requirements of receiving a dance scholarship?

The ongoing requirements of receiving a dance scholarship vary depending on the scholarship provider. Some scholarships may require you to maintain a certain GPA, participate in dance performances, or contribute to the dance community in some way. Be sure to review the terms and conditions of the scholarship to understand your obligations.